
Friday Mar 29, 2019
Friday Mar 29, 2019
A unique Seattle history showing Reverend Mary Baker Eddy's influence about people who built churches and how they did it. It's a story, read by author Cindy Safronoff. It's an ongoing independent research project.
The book Dedication: Building the Seattle Branches of Mary Baker Eddy's Church, A Centennial Story by Cindy Peyser Safronoff is available on Amazon, through Powell's Books, or by special order through your favorite local book store.
Please support this project:
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To learn more about this ground-breaking project, visit CindySafronoff.com or Facebook: @DedicationCentennialStory

Saturday Mar 30, 2019
1. The Centennial (2016)
Saturday Mar 30, 2019
Saturday Mar 30, 2019
A box of historical records is opened at the Christian Science church in the University District in Seattle in 2016 in preparation for the church's centennial. Takes place at Third Church of Christ, Scientist, Seattle, and at the home of author Cindy Safronoff.
The book Dedication: Building the Seattle Branches of Mary Baker Eddy's Church, A Centennial Story by Cindy Peyser Safronoff is available on Amazon, through Powell's Books, or by special order through your favorite local book store.
Please support this project:
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To learn more about this ground-breaking project, visit CindySafronoff.com or Facebook: @DedicationCentennialStory

Saturday Apr 06, 2019
2. U-District Society (1914)
Saturday Apr 06, 2019
Saturday Apr 06, 2019
Mrs. Mollie Gerry starts a church in the University District in Seattle in 1914. Takes place at the Gerry residence near Ravenna Park, the College Inn, and University Masonic Hall.
Image: The College Inn. Courtesy Seattle Municipal Archives (item 2888)
The book Dedication: Building the Seattle Branches of Mary Baker Eddy's Church, A Centennial Story by Cindy Peyser Safronoff is available on Amazon, through Powell's Books, or by special order through your favorite local book store.
Please support this project:
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To learn more about this ground-breaking project, visit CindySafronoff.com or Facebook: @DedicationCentennialStory

Tuesday Apr 23, 2019
3. The New Birth (1889)
Tuesday Apr 23, 2019
Tuesday Apr 23, 2019
Mrs. Julia Field-King comes to Seattle in 1889 just after the great fire. Takes place at 1111 Third Avenue.
Image: Seattle fire. Paul Dorpat collection.
The book Dedication: Building the Seattle Branches of Mary Baker Eddy's Church, A Centennial Story by Cindy Peyser Safronoff is available on Amazon, through Powell's Books, or by special order through your favorite local book store.
Please support this project:
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To learn more about this ground-breaking project, visit CindySafronoff.com or Facebook: @DedicationCentennialStory

Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
4. Structure of Truth and Love (1892)
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
Mrs. Julia Field-King's students in Seattle start organizing. Takes place at 1111 Third Avenue. Includes dedication of First Church of Christ, Scientist, Oconto, Wisconsin, and the Building Fund for The Mother Church in Boston, Massachusetts. Explores Mary Baker Eddy's definition of church, as "The structure of Truth and Love," and questions on whether her followers should organize churches and build edifices for Christian Science.
The book Dedication: Building the Seattle Branches of Mary Baker Eddy's Church, A Centennial Story by Cindy Peyser Safronoff is available on Amazon, through Powell's Books, or by special order through your favorite local book store.
Please support this project:
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To learn more about this ground-breaking project, visit CindySafronoff.com or Facebook: @DedicationCentennialStory

Sunday May 05, 2019
5. The Mother Church (1893) - Mary Baker Eddy‘s church in Boston
Sunday May 05, 2019
Sunday May 05, 2019
Reverend Mary Baker Eddy directs her followers to build a stone church for The First Church of Christ, Scientist, also called The Mother Church, after the financial panic of 1893 during a period of economic depression. Takes place in Boston.
The book Dedication: Building the Seattle Branches of Mary Baker Eddy's Church, A Centennial Story by Cindy Peyser Safronoff is available on Amazon, through Powell's Books, or by special order through your favorite local book store.
Please support this project:
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To learn more about this ground-breaking project, visit CindySafronoff.com or Facebook: @DedicationCentennialStory

Tuesday May 07, 2019
6. A New Church (1895)
Tuesday May 07, 2019
Tuesday May 07, 2019
Mrs. Julia Field-King founds and builds a church in St. Louis in 1895, and her students in Seattle organize as First Church of Christ, Scientist, Seattle, in 1896. Mr. Edward A. Kimball, who presided over dedication of First Church of Christ, Scientist, Chicago, gives a Christian Science lecture at the Seattle Theater in 1897.
Image: First Church of Christ, Scientist, Chicago.
The book Dedication: Building the Seattle Branches of Mary Baker Eddy's Church, A Centennial Story by Cindy Peyser Safronoff is available on Amazon, through Powell's Books, or by special order through your favorite local book store.
Please support this project:
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To learn more about this ground-breaking project, visit CindySafronoff.com or Facebook: @DedicationCentennialStory

Saturday May 11, 2019
7. Christian Scientist (1899)
Saturday May 11, 2019
Saturday May 11, 2019
Mr. Allen H. Armstrong receives an invitation from Seattle. Takes place at First Church of Christ, Scientist, San Jose, California.
Image: First church of Christ, Scientist, San Jose (original).
The book Dedication: Building the Seattle Branches of Mary Baker Eddy's Church, A Centennial Story by Cindy Peyser Safronoff is available on Amazon, through Powell's Books, or by special order through your favorite local book store.
Please support this project:
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To learn more about this ground-breaking project, visit CindySafronoff.com or Facebook: @DedicationCentennialStory

Tuesday May 14, 2019
8. Christian Science Chapel (1900)
Tuesday May 14, 2019
Tuesday May 14, 2019
Mr. Allen H. Armstrong encourages Seattle Christian Scientists to build a chapel on Sixth Avenue and establish their first regular Christian Science Reading Room in the Marion Building on Second Avenue.
Image: Christian Science Chapel. Paul Dorpat collection.
The book Dedication: Building the Seattle Branches of Mary Baker Eddy's Church, A Centennial Story by Cindy Peyser Safronoff is available on Amazon, through Powell's Books, or by special order through your favorite local book store.
Please support this project:
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To learn more about this ground-breaking project, visit CindySafronoff.com or Facebook: @DedicationCentennialStory

Saturday May 18, 2019
9. Mother Church Extension (1902)
Saturday May 18, 2019
Saturday May 18, 2019
Mr. Edward A. Kimball proposes a $2M church edifice extension at the 1902 Annual Meeting of members of The Mother Church in Boston, The First Church of Christ, Scientist.
The book Dedication: Building the Seattle Branches of Mary Baker Eddy's Church, A Centennial Story by Cindy Peyser Safronoff is available on Amazon, through Powell's Books, or by special order through your favorite local book store.
Please support this project:
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To learn more about this ground-breaking project, visit CindySafronoff.com or Facebook: @DedicationCentennialStory

Tuesday May 21, 2019
10. Resolutions (1906)
Tuesday May 21, 2019
Tuesday May 21, 2019
Mr. Edwin Randall Hoskins makes a resolution for unity as First Church of Christ, Scientist, Seattle, prepares to build a stone temple on Capitol Hill. Takes place at Christian Science Hall, their wood-frame chapel on Sixth Avenue.
Image: Capitol Hill trolley. Courtesy Seattle Municipal Archives, item 64767.
The book Dedication: Building the Seattle Branches of Mary Baker Eddy's Church, A Centennial Story by Cindy Peyser Safronoff is available on Amazon, through Powell's Books, or by special order through your favorite local book store.
Please support this project:
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To learn more about this ground-breaking project, visit CindySafronoff.com or Facebook: @DedicationCentennialStory

Saturday May 25, 2019
11. Not the Old Style Church (1907)
Saturday May 25, 2019
Saturday May 25, 2019
Mr. Oliver C. McGilvra, son of Judge John J. McGilvra, takes over the Building Committee of First Church of Christ, Scientist, Seattle, and moves the meetings to his law office in the original Burke Building at Second Avenue and Marion Street. Mr. Edwin W. Cravin proposes a temporary structure at the building site in Capitol Hill. Takes place at Christensen Hall at Broadway and Madison Streets.
Image: Architectural rendering, First Church of Christ, Scientist, Seattle. Cindy Safronoff collection.
The book Dedication: Building the Seattle Branches of Mary Baker Eddy's Church, A Centennial Story by Cindy Peyser Safronoff is available on Amazon, through Powell's Books, or by special order through your favorite local book store.
Please support this project:
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To learn more about this ground-breaking project, visit CindySafronoff.com or Facebook: @DedicationCentennialStory

Tuesday May 28, 2019
12. Letter of Withdrawal (1909)
Tuesday May 28, 2019
Tuesday May 28, 2019
Mrs. Frances Carlton Baker and 41 others withdraw their membership from First Church to found Fourth Church of Christ, Scientist, Seattle, on June 29, 1909. Mr. Edwin W. Cravin, former Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery of the Knights Templar of Washington, responds. Takes place in the iconic Alaska Building at Second Avenue and Cherry Street.
Image: Second Avenue and Alaska Building. Cindy Safronoff collection.
The book Dedication: Building the Seattle Branches of Mary Baker Eddy's Church, A Centennial Story by Cindy Peyser Safronoff is available on Amazon, through Powell's Books, or by special order through your favorite local book store.
Please support this project:
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To learn more about this ground-breaking project, visit CindySafronoff.com or Facebook: @DedicationCentennialStory

Saturday Jun 01, 2019
13. Independence Day (1909)
Saturday Jun 01, 2019
Saturday Jun 01, 2019
Founding members of Fourth Church of Christ, Scientist, Seattle, begin building a congregation on July 4, 1909, amidst a "Votes for Women" focus at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific (AYP) Expo. Miss Mary Brookins lectures at the Moore Theater. Services are at Arcade Hall on Second Avenue, between Union and University Streets. Judge Thomas Burke rents space for a Christian Science Reading Room in the Empire Building. Mr. William K. Sheldon joins Fourth Church. Mr. Charles Warburton Ireland is elected First Reader, Mrs. Helen E. Cushing Second Reader. Mr. Oliver C. McGilvra speaks about Abraham Lincoln. Actress Ethel Barrymore visits Seattle.
Image: Second Avenue and Empire Building.
The book Dedication: Building the Seattle Branches of Mary Baker Eddy's Church, A Centennial Story by Cindy Peyser Safronoff is available on Amazon, through Powell's Books, or by special order through your favorite local book store.
Please support this project:
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To learn more about this ground-breaking project, visit CindySafronoff.com or Facebook: @DedicationCentennialStory

Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
14. Temporary Structure (1909)
Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Seattle, builds a temporary structure at their lot on Capitol Hill during the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition summer of 1909. That fall they hold an election meeting. Mrs. Julia Field-King's students in London and St. Louis have recently dedicated churches. Mr. Allen H. Armstrong's students send telegraphs to Reverend Mary Baker Eddy.
Image: First Church of Christ, Scientist, St. Louis, Missouri. Cindy Safronoff.
The book Dedication: Building the Seattle Branches of Mary Baker Eddy's Church, A Centennial Story by Cindy Peyser Safronoff is available on Amazon, through Powell's Books, or by special order through your favorite local book store.
Please support this project:
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To learn more about this ground-breaking project, visit CindySafronoff.com or Facebook: @DedicationCentennialStory

Saturday Jun 08, 2019
15. Pastor Emeritus - Rev. Mary Baker Eddy (1910)
Saturday Jun 08, 2019
Saturday Jun 08, 2019
Mr. Alden J. Blethen, Seattle Times Editor-in-Chief writes on Reverend Mary Baker Eddy's career. Mr. William K. Sheldon introduces a Christian Science lecture at the Moore Theater. Mr. Allen H. Armstrong gives a field report at 1911 Annual Meeting of The Mother Church in Boston. First Church of Christ, Scientist, Seattle, lays the corner stone for their temple on Capitol Hill on October 17, 1911.
Image: Rev. Mary Baker Eddy. J.A.J. Wilcox, 38th edition Science and Health.
The book Dedication: Building the Seattle Branches of Mary Baker Eddy's Church, A Centennial Story by Cindy Peyser Safronoff is available on Amazon, through Powell's Books, or by special order through your favorite local book store.
Please support this project:
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To learn more about this ground-breaking project, visit CindySafronoff.com or Facebook: @DedicationCentennialStory

Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
16. Joint Activities (1911)
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Mrs. Alma Durant Bixby, Dr. Walter S. Padget, and Mrs. Margaret Mason Walker chair joint activities for Christian Science begun in 1911, based in the Empire Building on Second Avenue. Mr. Oliver C. McGilvra speaks at Arcade Hall.
Image: Second Avenue and Empire Building. Paul Dorpat collection.
The book Dedication: Building the Seattle Branches of Mary Baker Eddy's Church, A Centennial Story by Cindy Peyser Safronoff is available on Amazon, through Powell's Books, or by special order through your favorite local book store.
Please support this project:
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To learn more about this ground-breaking project, visit CindySafronoff.com or Facebook: @DedicationCentennialStory

Saturday Jun 15, 2019
17. Temple of Bedford Limestone (1914)
Saturday Jun 15, 2019
Saturday Jun 15, 2019
Mr. William R. Rathvon visits Seattle. Mr. Edward Joseph Holslag paints the interior of First Church of Christ, Scientist, Seattle. Mr. Oliver C. McGilvra reads at opening services, June 7, 1914. Mr. Charles A. Griffith sets a new goal. Miss Leona Langdon plays the organ, Mr. Worth Densmore sings. Mr. Clarence B. Bagley includes the new church edifice in his History of Seattle.
Image: First Church of Christ, Scientist, Seattle.
The book Dedication: Building the Seattle Branches of Mary Baker Eddy's Church, A Centennial Story by Cindy Peyser Safronoff is available on Amazon, through Powell's Books, or by special order through your favorite local book store.
Please support this project:
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To learn more about this ground-breaking project, visit CindySafronoff.com or Facebook: @DedicationCentennialStory

Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
18. Seismic Disturbance (1914)
Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
Reverend Dr. Mark A. Matthews D.D. leads a great series of Christian unity revival services in Spring of 1914. Mr. John M. Henderson writes a letter to the editor of The Seattle Times. Pastor Russell writes on Mary Baker Eddy in a syndicated column in The Seattle Star. Mr. Orison "O.J.C." Dutton attends an anti-Eddy lecture by Mr. Frederick W. Peabody. Reverend E. Tremayne Dunstan gives a sermon that will please no one.
Image: First Church of Christ, Scientist, Atlanta, Georgia (original).
The book Dedication: Building the Seattle Branches of Mary Baker Eddy's Church, A Centennial Story by Cindy Peyser Safronoff is available on Amazon, through Powell's Books, or by special order through your favorite local book store.
Please support this project:
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To learn more about this ground-breaking project, visit CindySafronoff.com or Facebook: @DedicationCentennialStory

Saturday Jun 22, 2019
19. Spreading Branches (1914)
Saturday Jun 22, 2019
Saturday Jun 22, 2019
Fourth Church of Christ, Scientist, Seattle, purchases a building lot at Eighth Avenue and Seneca Street on First Hill in July 1914. They move their services to the new Hippodrome at Fifth and University. Christian Science branch churches spread to downtown Ballard, Columbia City, West Seattle, and the University District.
Miss Georgian Elouise Wiestling is First Reader in Columbia City. Mr. Charles A. Griffith gives a report at First Church. Mr. Bliss Knapp, Mr. Willis T. Gross, Rev. William P. McKenzie, Mr. Jacob S. Shields, Mr. William R. Rathvon, and Prof. Hermann S. Herring give lectures at the Hippodrome.
The book Dedication: Building the Seattle Branches of Mary Baker Eddy's Church, A Centennial Story by Cindy Peyser Safronoff is available on Amazon, through Powell's Books, or by special order through your favorite local book store.
Please support this project:
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To learn more about this ground-breaking project, visit CindySafronoff.com or Facebook: @DedicationCentennialStory

Tuesday Jun 25, 2019
20. Declarations of War (1914)
Tuesday Jun 25, 2019
Tuesday Jun 25, 2019
Mr. Allen H. Armstrong gives an address to the members of First Church of Christ, Scientist, Seattle, about dedication. Takes place in the Sunday School in the basement of their new stone church on Capitol Hill.
Image: First Church of Christ, Scientist, Seattle. Cindy Safronoff.
The book Dedication: Building the Seattle Branches of Mary Baker Eddy's Church, A Centennial Story by Cindy Peyser Safronoff is available on Amazon, through Powell's Books, or by special order through your favorite local book store.
Please support this project:
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To learn more about this ground-breaking project, visit CindySafronoff.com or Facebook: @DedicationCentennialStory

Saturday Jun 29, 2019
21. A Woman‘s Religion (1914)
Saturday Jun 29, 2019
Saturday Jun 29, 2019
The newly formed University District Christian Science Society asks the Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA) for help in reaching interested women at the University of Washington. Takes place at University Masonic Hall.
The book Dedication: Building the Seattle Branches of Mary Baker Eddy's Church, A Centennial Story by Cindy Peyser Safronoff is available on Amazon, through Powell's Books, or by special order through your favorite local book store.
Please support this project:
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To learn more about this ground-breaking project, visit CindySafronoff.com or Facebook: @DedicationCentennialStory

Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
22. Church Growth (1915)
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
Mr. Brigham Bicknell Young gives a lecture in Seattle at the University Bank Building at 45th Street and University Way for the new University District Christian Science Society. His mother, Mrs. Jane Bicknell Young, of Tacoma, Washington, was also in the news. Includes Salt Lake City and Mormon background of Bicknell Young's family.
Image: Seattle's Grand Opera House in 1900. Paul Dorpat collection.
The book Dedication: Building the Seattle Branches of Mary Baker Eddy's Church, A Centennial Story by Cindy Peyser Safronoff is available on Amazon, through Powell's Books, or by special order through your favorite local book store.
Please support this project:
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To learn more about this ground-breaking project, visit CindySafronoff.com or Facebook: @DedicationCentennialStory

Saturday Jul 06, 2019
23. First Unit (1915)
Saturday Jul 06, 2019
Saturday Jul 06, 2019
Mr. Thomas Franklyn Hoyt, First Reader, invites the congregation of Fourth Church of Christ, Scientist, Seattle, to hear from Mr. William K. Sheldon. Takes place at the Hippodrome on Sunday, August 29, 1915.
Mr. George Foote Dunham, Portland architect, proposes a building concept for Eighth Avenue and Seneca Street. The church invites Mr. Hermann S. Herring and Mr. George Shaw Cook to lecture.
Image: Fourth Church of Christ, Scientist, Seattle, "First Unit." Christina Safronoff.
The book Dedication: Building the Seattle Branches of Mary Baker Eddy's Church, A Centennial Story by Cindy Peyser Safronoff is available on Amazon, through Powell's Books, or by special order through your favorite local book store.
Please support this project:
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To learn more about this ground-breaking project, visit CindySafronoff.com or Facebook: @DedicationCentennialStory

Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
24. Incorporation (1916)
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
The University District Christian Science Society incorporates. Congress declares war. The Seattle Times quotes Mary Baker Eddy. Mr. William D. McCracken organizes war relief efforts. Mr. O.J.C. Dutton establishes a hospitality club. Mr. Allen H. Armstrong, Mr. Oliver C. McGilvra, and Mr. Charles A. Griffith become Minute Men.
Takes place at University State Bank Building, at The Mother Church in Boston, and at the Christian Science Welfare Rooms at Camp Lewis Army base south of Tacoma, Washington.
Image: Christian Science War Relief Building at Camp Lewis, Washington.
The book Dedication: Building the Seattle Branches of Mary Baker Eddy's Church, A Centennial Story by Cindy Peyser Safronoff is available on Amazon, through Powell's Books, or by special order through your favorite local book store.
Please support this project:
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- Help crowd-fund this continuing project.
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To learn more about this ground-breaking project, visit CindySafronoff.com or Facebook: @DedicationCentennialStory